Only 35 days left of school for me!!!
Besides that, my advanced computer animation teacher is allowing me to bring in a cd to copy my games
so i should have 2-3 new submissions within the week!!
what makes this so exciting is you will get to see my progression through more and more pointless gaming code!!!
i call it pointless because appaerently the class was ment to be artistic and not a coding class like it says in the description in my student handbook.
So now i just spent a semester getting no closer to understanding code better than when i started.
Man, that sucks.
And so the next couple of submissions are going to be oldskool games like whack-a-mole and catch the falling apples.
How ever i did win an award for my version of whack a mole, so i know it cant be too bad.
Alright thats all i wanted to say, heres control of ure life back!!!