totally forgot the bomb in the bus thing
totally forgot the bomb in the bus thing
Next animation
should be about patrick swayze, he died today
Nice samples out of cod4, great message, i think that we as humans get so caught up in our governments propoganda that we often forget that having a different ethnicity does not mean we are of a different race, but creatures of a different enviroment. In the end we are all the same, i mean just cause there are hundreds of different breeds of dogs doesn't make any one breed less of a dog than another, right? Individuality is what has allowed us to become what we are, if we were all the same, no one would learn anything new, we would cease to evolve and die out. So don't be afraid of differences between one person to the next, embrace them, learn everything you can about what makes them different from you, and add "what you will" to your own culture to make it better. That is my definition of life, put simply, learn to evolve.
Ahh the first school project...
I remeber those days, three years ago today in fact, when flash was confusing even seemed overwelming at times....but if you practice practice practice and listen to your instructor it will get easier...(i ended up staying afterschool almost every day to teach myself new techniques) so just keep working at it and don't forget to use your straight line tool XD
......i swore to myself if anyone gave me a 10 i would have to slap animation is not a 10 lol. yeah, practice and all that but my teacher dosnt know anything about flash, he just reads us a text book.
Wait what?
why does the vulpix have the naruto reference? why wouldn't the nine-tails have the head-band?
I think there shld have been a dane cook referance
u know his act about the greatest middle finger ever? anyway where DID america get all the cash?
Make My Boobies One More Size
isn't that by weird al? any way awsome series
it was great, every character brought something different and there were alot of characters i assume from of your other works which i will go watch now
Loved the music
but wheres his fidora? cant have indie without the hat
Age 33, Male
Marshall's Associate
Joined on 7/21/07