Jacob should sue for the verbal assault! lol
Jacob should sue for the verbal assault! lol
Very Climactic!
Aw man, when andrewwillick said that it was anti-climactic and had a rocket, i thought it was gunna be sumtin cheesy, like he was gunna kill him sittin in the bar. But for him to pull out that big old monster, and the explosion, just frikin perfect man! awesome and really makes me want t dive back into flash and get some shit done! Woo that was amazing! i am quite in awe there brotha!
Barmaglot, you don't come here often enough
otherwise you would have read the newgrounds motto by now "Everything. by Everyone." In other words, if it can be converted to a flash file, it will be accepted by newgrounds. Only after it has passed the portal can it be blammed for incorrect content or other such nonsense.
On to the flash it's self:
I thought it was very well done, there was never any "sudden jumps" when the character was moving and i thought your theme came across very well, despite the requirement to make it look crappy. If i was your teacher you would have gotten at least a 90, especially for the special effects! XD
Thanks for the review, don't mind people like barmaglot, he just want's to see the same stick and sprite crap all the time. I can understand that, oh wait I can't.
but thanks for the review. I don't get a mark for it, but it will be played at a small filmfestival and there is a n award, so maybe..
Is trying to learn NUKE! should another move be dele- aw fuck it we'll delete one for ya, it's not like you'll use it more than once. =)
haha i like the easter egg!
he is going to kick all their collective asses.
magikarp use a splash attack!
It's super effective! lol
I want to be childish and write something moronic
Like 'Daaayammn' or some idiotic statement, however this flash, this thriller, demands so much more respect than that.
First off, i would like to point out the time limit, 18 days! 18?! i couldn't do this in 2 months, let alone 2 and a half weeks! and believe me i've worked with flash, i know how hard it can be sometimes, and if it's not hard for you, then more power to ya. Okay, now as for the flash itself. I love that you used muted colors for most of story, it emphasized loneliness , and the rain was just icing on the cake, so to speak. The audio was fantastic, and the animation matched it very well, and the use of classic nursery songs just added to the creepiness. The bear, was characterized very well, and i'm sure everyone can relate to him on some level. As for the girl, while most might say she was too tough or adjusted too quickly, i would say she was spot on. I have a 4 year-old sister, and she can be wittier and more clever than some of my friends, and she is pretty strong too. The ending was a relief, knowing that the bear hadn't dissolved into murder yet, but still leaves us hanging by a thread. So, congrats on the awesome flash, and i hope you win.
Reminds me of the guy from Cowboy Bebop
crap what was his name again? anyway it was a cool trick and i may have to figure out how to do it. probably would save action heroes from a lot of stand offs too!
the faces, the rocket launcher, the rocket sequence, and of course the punchline was all epic.
Age 33, Male
Marshall's Associate
Joined on 7/21/07