View Profile potatoboy37

Age 33, Male

Marshall's Associate


Joined on 7/21/07

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potatoboy37's News

Posted by potatoboy37 - July 24th, 2009

Well im half way through summer and im already on my second car. I still don't have a decent ipod, i missed out on summer camp this year trying to get one, and ended up having to pay for my car with the money..I finally renewed my library card and got the third installment from the Inheritance series (Brisingr by Chris Paolini) in case you don't know thats the third Eragon book. So far haven't really been anyplace interesting... the usual places like the woodbury commons, six flags (great adventure), the jersey shore and golfing. i guess this is just one of those summers where nothing new or exciting comes along, but honestly im enjoying it! i got this part time job and stuff so at least my days not a total waste, but its still fun to just hang around, ya know? Of course you do, and i would like to hear how your summer is going so if you happen to read this don't forget to leave a comment.
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Posted by potatoboy37 - April 26th, 2009

Only 35 days left of school for me!!!
Besides that, my advanced computer animation teacher is allowing me to bring in a cd to copy my games
so i should have 2-3 new submissions within the week!!
what makes this so exciting is you will get to see my progression through more and more pointless gaming code!!!
i call it pointless because appaerently the class was ment to be artistic and not a coding class like it says in the description in my student handbook.
So now i just spent a semester getting no closer to understanding code better than when i started.
Man, that sucks.
And so the next couple of submissions are going to be oldskool games like whack-a-mole and catch the falling apples.
How ever i did win an award for my version of whack a mole, so i know it cant be too bad.
Alright thats all i wanted to say, heres control of ure life back!!!

Great News

Posted by potatoboy37 - April 16th, 2009

/* */
she's dating hannah montanna, backstage, in my concert, dates me on my parent's bed,
after school, in my locker, in the car, i give her head.
i'm also dating the flava

yeah boy she datin flava flav boo. ya know what time it is cause i'm datin juney too waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

yeah i know but it's true flava flav he dates me too

& i swapped with calvin & he swaps with that dude

& we're all dating hellboy.

they're dating hellboy & i'm dating the hulk

when i get really mad i start dating ironman

a most unconfortable screw but i date the princess too


who's that ringing on my bell?

the chick who's dating ironman that's i-r-o-n-m-a-n & i like his tin can

well that's really great because i'm dating wolf

datin wolf ain't that a pity cause i'm datin those broads from sex in the city

he dates the sex in the city gals
(thinks) so i wondered would wolf really get jelous if he found out if we were dating the guy with the big utility belt?

they're all dating batman. at wayne mannor, in the batcave, butler alfred is our love slave, riddle me this, holy bathouse, i'm also dating amy winehouse?

he's dating amy winehouse, yeah on the down low.....low.....low
& i'm dating jessica simpson, cause that's how i roll.....roll....roll

she's dating jessica simpson, oh yeahhhhhh
& i think i might have dated that hot assassin

everyone dates me & i date them back u see,
& that mexican too with the tragic hair doo

(talking)call it heads, i'm dating jt

i'm dating that male model cause he's so fine,
& i'd like too get up in them calvin kleins

it's true jt dates me once again,
but i'm also dating prince caspian

i am handsome & i am cool,
that's why this prince dates the kids from high school

yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh hh! Whooooooooo!
come on let me hear ya now's the time to party
u know what time it is?no what time is it?
it's time to date
date meeee, date meee,date meeeeeeeeeee
he dates all the kids in high school,
under the bleachers, in the showers, while we're changing for gym class

i'm dating oprah

i'm dating obama

i'm dating indiana's ass

she's dating indiana, & i'm dating hancock

he's dating hancock, & i'm dating beowolf

u know u like it, & i'm datin kung-fu panda

& i'm dating michael jackson

heeeeee-heeeeee, don't judge me, i love my animals u see

oh yeah, he's dating the chipmunks, sad to say it, but it's true
he dates the chimpmunks date uuuuuuuuuuuuu

Check out the video on youtube
<a>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO3Y q0f7v6w

you can replace the word date with f*** and it makes more sense
and please, please check out my latest submission to newgrounds,
Not Just Another Dress Up